The group, now comprising Vic Stewart, Gordon MacDonald MSP, Allister McKillop, Gordon Lindhurst MSP, Councillor Ricky Henderson, Richard Henderson, Joanna Cherry MP and Cliff Beevers, will adopt a twin track approach. Firstly, they will probe more thoroughly the RBS decision to close the only remaining banking facility in the upper valley communities of the Water of Leith. Secondly, feelers will be put out to investigate alternative solutions for financial services in our communities. In addition, we will be appealing to our business community to discover what the loss of face to face banking means for them. The group plans to meet again in the early New Year. In the meantime, we would appreciate any ideas, suggestions or courses of action you wish to put forward by contacting [email protected], but don’t be discouraged and have a good Christmas.
Cliff Beevers, on behalf of the working group.