Balerno Community Council are hosting a parliamentary hustings on Monday 29th May at Balerno Parish Church.
This will enable electors in the Pentlands Ward in the South West Edinburgh Constituency to hear what the candidates have to say under questioning from the audience. All candidates are being invited to attend, and we hope that they will all do so.
The event will run from 7.00pm to 9.00pm and will be chaired by Balerno Community Council. It will follow a format adopted for previous events in the Valley; each candidate will be given 2 minutes to introduce themselves and to set out why you should vote for them. This will be followed by questions drawn from a pre-submitted list. There will also be scope for contributions from the floor. Finally each candidate will be allowed 90 sec to sum up their position.
This will enable electors in the Pentlands Ward in the South West Edinburgh Constituency to hear what the candidates have to say under questioning from the audience. All candidates are being invited to attend, and we hope that they will all do so.
The event will run from 7.00pm to 9.00pm and will be chaired by Balerno Community Council. It will follow a format adopted for previous events in the Valley; each candidate will be given 2 minutes to introduce themselves and to set out why you should vote for them. This will be followed by questions drawn from a pre-submitted list. There will also be scope for contributions from the floor. Finally each candidate will be allowed 90 sec to sum up their position.
If you’d like to submit a question in advance then please click the button below, or send it to [email protected], to be received by no later than 5.00pm on Wednesday 24th May.
All submissions will be acknowledged, so if you do not receive a response please try again. Alternatively you can hand in a note of your question either to the LetterBox Café in Balerno or to Currie Post Office. Please, when emailing or writing, remember to give your name, address and telephone number so that we can contact you, although we’ll only do that if your question is selected. We’ll tell you on Friday 26th May whether your question has been shortlisted, and we’ll also send you one ticket for the event. We’ll be shortlisting 8 questions although we can’t guarantee that there will be time for all the questions to be put to the panel of candidates.
The Hustings is produced by the Community Councils of the upper Water of Leith Valley, namely Balerno, Currie, Juniper Green, Wester Hailes and Colinton Community Councils. Each Council will be sent 5 tickets for the event in order to guarantee entry. Beyond those tickets and the questioners tickets entry is on a first come first served basis. Balerno Parish Church can accommodate up to 200 people, and we hope that the Church will be full for the occasion.
We, and indeed all the water of Leith Community Councils, are also very grateful to Currie & Balerno News for their generous sponsorship of yet another hustings. It is much appreciated, and without that assistance we could not present the event. We’re also very grateful to Martin Bone of Currie who provides the technological stuff, randomisers, klaxons, hooters and the like as well as mics, again without which the event could not be put on in the same way. If you want to see what we mean make sure you don’t miss the General Election 2017 Hustings at Balerno on 29 May!
All submissions will be acknowledged, so if you do not receive a response please try again. Alternatively you can hand in a note of your question either to the LetterBox Café in Balerno or to Currie Post Office. Please, when emailing or writing, remember to give your name, address and telephone number so that we can contact you, although we’ll only do that if your question is selected. We’ll tell you on Friday 26th May whether your question has been shortlisted, and we’ll also send you one ticket for the event. We’ll be shortlisting 8 questions although we can’t guarantee that there will be time for all the questions to be put to the panel of candidates.
The Hustings is produced by the Community Councils of the upper Water of Leith Valley, namely Balerno, Currie, Juniper Green, Wester Hailes and Colinton Community Councils. Each Council will be sent 5 tickets for the event in order to guarantee entry. Beyond those tickets and the questioners tickets entry is on a first come first served basis. Balerno Parish Church can accommodate up to 200 people, and we hope that the Church will be full for the occasion.
We, and indeed all the water of Leith Community Councils, are also very grateful to Currie & Balerno News for their generous sponsorship of yet another hustings. It is much appreciated, and without that assistance we could not present the event. We’re also very grateful to Martin Bone of Currie who provides the technological stuff, randomisers, klaxons, hooters and the like as well as mics, again without which the event could not be put on in the same way. If you want to see what we mean make sure you don’t miss the General Election 2017 Hustings at Balerno on 29 May!